(248) 930-9073

Serving the Tri-County area

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the most common questions we receive. If you have additonal questions, contact us and we’d be happy to help answer them.

I’m having Pure Air service my home, what should I do to prepare?

The home will need to be vacant during the dry fog process, so plan a place for you and your pets to be during the services. You will receive a message a few days prior to your service that will confirm your appointment and give basic instructions on how to prepare your home. They are simple things like open all closets, close all windows, etc.

Do I need to take paintings and wall art down before the treatment?

Because the of the small particle size of the fog, Pure Air has never had an issue with wall art or paintings, but many people feel more comfortable taking expensive paintings down or covering them with a blanket.

What about fruit or other foods left out in the kitchen?

The product we use is also used in agricultural settings, but to retain the fresh taste of your produce you may want to place it in a zip lock bag or refrigerator.

How long before I can re-enter my home?

Each job is different depending on the size of the home, but a Pure Air employee will let you know how long the process will take when the bid is submitted. You may notice a vinegar type smell when you return but that will dissipate quickly.

Professional Mold Removal Service in the Oakland Area

Pure Air Oakland serves Lake Orion, Oxford, Clarkston, Brandon Twp, Waterford, Rochester, Troy, Ortonville, West Bloomfield, Birmingham, Oakland & the surrounding areas making homes safe and healthy for your family!

Call (248) 930-9073 to schedule!